Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Disney Engagement Rings

While scrolling through my Twitter timeline, I recently came across this fascinating tweet about Disney-themed engagement rings. I was not surprised to find that this tweet, by one of those generic Twitter accounts that often clogs up our timeline, had a few hundred thousand retweets. I browsed through a few of the replies and, from what I saw, many girls were enthusiastically embracing this creation. This sparked my interest in exploring more about Disney-themed jewelry, so naturally I did a Google search and found some beautiful pieces that I have shared in the links below. Disney has created an empire that knows no bounds. The prevalence of Disney jewelry is merely one example of the the extent to which Disney movies and characters foster creativity and permeate all aspects of culture, a phenomenon is truly amazing to witness.

more rings
 creative Disney jewelry
disney princess wedding dresses

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Every time I scroll across this picture it fascinates me. I wonder if Professor Andres has a ring like one of these haha
